About the Fund

WHITE BEAR Charitable Foundation was established on the basis of voluntary property contributions in order to support social, charitable, cultural and other socially beneficial initiatives, which doesn’t have profit making as the goal of it’s activities and doesn’t distribute the profit to the founders.

The goals of the fund are:

  • promoting the spiritual development of the individual, strengthening the prestige and role of the family in society; promoting the protection of childhood, motherhood and fatherhood
  • promotion of activities in the field of prevention and protection of the health of children and citizens
  • promotion of healthy lifestyles
  • improvement of the moral and psychological state of children and citizens
  • rendering assistance in the field of education, science, culture, art, enlightenment
  • providing social support and protection to children and citizens, including improving the financial situation of low-income families, social rehabilitation of the unemployed, the disabled and other persons who, due to their physical or intellectual characteristics, or other circumstances, are not able to independently realize their rights and legitimate interests
  • assistance in strengthening peace, friendship and harmony among peoples, prevention of social. national, religious conflicts; promotion of activities in the field of physical culture and mass sports
  • assistance in the prevention of social orphanhood, as well as promotion of family placement orphans
  • assistance to graduates of boarding schools in terms of ensuring their economic independence, personal and professional self-determination, including through measures to develop their training in competitive professions
  • environmental protection and animal protection

The Fund was established and operates within the framework of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, in accordance with the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the Federal Law of the Russian Federation "On Non-Commercial Organizations", the Federal Law "On Charitable Activities and Volunteering (Volunteering)", with other legal acts of the Russian Federation.

Fund activities

Activities of the Charitable Foundation "WHITE BEAR":

  • Development of cooperation with public, and state and other organizations and institutions, both in Russia and abroad to provide charitable and social assistance to the field of science, culture, education, art and enlightenment
  • Development of programs and activities aimed at:
    • support of the family and motherhood
    • stimulation of family recreation, sports
    • promoting the production and sale of quality goods and services for children
    • socialization, adaptation and career guidance of children in the modern world, the formation of the younger generation's desire to receive a higher, secondary or secondary specialized education
    • revival of the development of multinational and patriotic education of the younger generation
  • Assistance in the provision of humanitarian, medical, legal, psychological and other types of charitable assistance to children from low-income, large and single-parent families, orphans, children left without parental care, orphans, social shelters, orphanages, boarding schools, social rehabilitation centers, family placement centers for children, and assistance to families with disabled children.
  • Development and implementation of programs aimed at supporting art houses, sports clubs, incl. search for and support of gifted children.
  • Participation in city and federal programs aimed at improving the life of the younger generation
  • Organization and holding of conferences, symposiums, seminars in Russia and abroad in order to attract attention and form public opinion to the problems of the institution of family and childhood, charity problems, and other socially significant projects.
  • Consolidation of charitable organizations, funds, funds and property of legal entities and individuals for the implementation of large-scale and targeted actions aimed at supporting the institution of the family and childhood
    • Providing targeted assistance to families with children with disabilities, children with disabilities.
    • Payment for the purchase of medical equipment, medical devices, consumables, payment for services that contribute to the adaptation and rehabilitation of children who need such assistance, but cannot receive it due to a number of objective reasons (lack of funding, qualified specialists, necessary equipment, etc.).
  • Providing financial assistance to municipal and private shelters, organizations providing assistance to animals, free of charge.
    • Assistance in the development of the volunteer movement in the field of protection of stray animals by creating a favorable socially significant image of volunteer activity and involving an increasing number of voluntary assistants in charitable activities.
    • Transfer of medicines for animals, feed, other goods for animals in the form of charitable assistance to organizations that provide assistance to animals on a gratuitous basis.

Bank details


Name of the organization: WHITE BEAR Charitable Foundation

TIN of the organization: 9704131091

Account number: 40701810138000000352

Account opening date: 05/05/2022

Bank name: Moscow Bank PJSC Sberbank

Correspondent account: 30101810400000000225

BIC: 044525225
